Browser compatibility

Learn about recommended browser and testing status

Browsers behave differently when accessing Innohub and its services. We are testing the functionalities on the most relevant browsers and we keep you informed about potential issues.

Browser Version Status Comments
Chrome 91+ Tested and optimised for Chrome
Chrome Android 91+ Tested and optimised for mobile on Chrome
Chrome iOS 92+ Tested and optimised for mobile on Chrome
Firefox 89+ Testing in progress; some functionality may not work
Firefox Android 89+ Testing in progress; some functionality may not work
Opera 75+ Tested
Opera Android 75+ Tested
Safari 13+ Testing in progress; no problems identified so far
Safari iOS 13+ Testing in progress; no problems identified so far
Edge 12+ Testing in progress; some functionality may not work
Internet Explorer All Versions Not supported

Innohub is using cookies in order to handle some of your preferences and to keep you logged in for the whole duration of your session. For this reason, if you disable cookies in your browser, you will be not able to use Innohub. Additionally, Safari users must uncheck "Prevent cross-site tracking" option from the Privacy settings section. For more information please read our Privacy and Cookies policies.

Help us to improve Innohub

Whenever you identify something that doesn't work as you expect or whenever you want to suggest us improvements or new features, please jump to our technical support section and open a ticket.